A Baggie goes to print

06 April 2004

Those of you with a literary interest may like to know that erstwhile star of The Bill and longtime Baggie, Ged Simmons, has just had his first novel published. The Gravedigger's Story has (a) nothing to do with football (b) nothing to do with policing in Sun Hill, and (c) probably little to do with digging graves in Handsworth Cemetery. I don't know, as I haven't read it yet, so it might well be a pile of shite! Fay Wheldon likes it apparently, but again I wouldn't like to say if that's good or bad.

You may catch Ged doing some local radio interviews starting this week (5th April), but he was a bit worried about losing his voice after being a tad too vocal during the latter stages at Portman Road on Sunday ('Win when we're losing, we always win when we're losing...')

Anyway, its published in paperback by I.M.P. Fiction (?7.99), and available on Amazon for ?6.39 (but get your Dick subscriptions in first!) and at all good retailers, blah blah...

That's the end of the sales pitch. Hopefully I'll get a couple of Bonk's out of him now!

 - Podge

Previous Stories:

  05 April 2004:  Appeal time !

  05 April 2004:  Shaun Murphy Down Under

  28 March 2004:  BOING FC scoop the silverware

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