Appeal time !

05 April 2004

After the delight of yesterdays win, why not kick off the week by showing your support for a couple of very worthy appeals. First up, fans of Brighton & Hove Albion are looking for help in their campaign to get planning permission for their new ground, and have a website set up for people to register their support:

Secondly, Mark Whitworth writes:

"I live in Barnsley in South Yorkshire, and I am currently organising the All Points North Charity Challenge, which will take place on 25-26 July 2004. Myself (an Evertonian), Richard Clark (Sunderland), Gregg Bellham (Rotherham) and Euron Hughes (another Evertonian) will be attempting to visit all 42 football league grounds in Scotland in a single 24-hour period. We will be starting at Berwick Rangers at 6pm on Sunday 25 July, and hope to arrive at Ross County in Dingwall, 791 miles and 41 stops later, before 6pm the following day. As far as we know, this has never been attempted before, so we believe we will be setting a record, as well as raising what we hope will be at least a 5-figure sum.

All money raised will be split between 2 charities - the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and the National Kidney Research Fund. The Guide Dogs was my own choice, and the NKRF was Gregg's choice as he has been undergoing kidney dialysis for the past 2 years.

I have set up a website which contains all the details - it can be found at the following address: "

Previous Stories:

  28 March 2004:  BOING FC scoop the silverware

  26 March 2004:  Do the Tommy Gaardsoe

  24 March 2004:  The Vikings are coming !

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