BOING FC scoop the silverware

28 March 2004

Champione, Champione!

BOING FC, the mailing list and website football team, triumphed over the upstarts from on Saturday morning with a 9-5 victory. If we're honest, it was a help that half their players didn't turn up until after kickoff - but in true spirit we lent them enough to get going - and we took an early 2-0 lead thanks to them fielding the rather diminutive Sarah in goal at the start of the game.

However, the newcomers to Albion supporters football fought back and took the lead before the break thanks to some rather slack defending by BOING FC's rearguard - but the second half saw them pegged back and in the end it was a comfortable victory.

So the first ever holders of the Chadwick Construction Challenge Cup are BOING FC - until the immediately requested rematch, at least. Thanks to Anc for helping arrange what was a most enjoyable morning - the win over Palace afterwards was just icing on the cake.

Related Links:

More pictures from the game on Anc's site

Whingeing about their defeat (probably) on

Previous Stories:

  26 March 2004:  Do the Tommy Gaardsoe

  24 March 2004:  The Vikings are coming !

  22 March 2004:  Thanks - no more!

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