Megson WILL quit, but when?

26 October 2004

Update @ 12:15:

Reports are now circulating that Megson will hand in his resignation today, some suggest that he has already done so and others suggest that he has been sacked (a distinct possibility given his probably unauthorised statement about leaving in the summer through local radio presenter Tom Ross as described below). More news as we get it.

Earlier today:

According to Capital Gold presenter Tom Ross, manager Gary Megson will definitely leave West Bromwich Albion next summer when his contract expires. As things stand, the Club have yet to offer him a new contract, despite reports that they would do so after the end of last season - but the latest news suggests that he won't accept a new one if it were offered anyway.

Where this leaves the Club now is unsure. The statement that he will leave in the summer strongly suggests that he is not thinking of walking away before then, so is Megson invititing them to sack him, or at least negotiate an early departure by mutual consent? The comments after the match indicated that the players no longer seem to want to play for him, and plenty of other Clubs have shown that once a manager's departure is known about the players have even less desire to put in the effort.

All eyes are now on the Chairman, with many supporters having already been demanding action to resolve the situation following Saturday's defeat at Palace. Megson's position at the Club is beginning to look completely untenable.

Previous Stories:

  24 October 2004:  Contra-attack

  14 October 2004:  ME 4 WBA ?

  02 October 2004:  Married to the game ?

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