
24 October 2004

The fallout from yesterday's debacle at Crystal Palace continues today with a story in the News of the World that Romanian right back Cosmin Contra, signed on a season-long loan in August, wants to leave the Hawthorns. Contra is quoted saying:

"I am very disappointed. Megson refuses to give me a chance. What was the point in signing me? I can't believe he won't give me the opportunity to play in the first team and it is even harder because he won't talk to me. I am trying to understand exactly who wanted me to come to West Brom. Not a single person has told me what is happening or asked my feelings on the current situation. I want to leave."

The quotes follow hot on the heels of Megson's post-match comments that the players didn't train properly because they weren't interested, and add to the intense feelings that all is not well behind the scenes at the club. Contra seems to be suggesting that it wasn't Megson that brought him to the club, sentiments already expressed in other rumours about players that have been brought in over the summer. Of course, Contra's comments - if not approved by the club - may well lead to him being left out of the first team action anyway, as further stories in the press have suggested that this is exactly what happened to Jason Koumas a few weeks ago when he was dropped.

Megson did say yesterday on local radio that we should expect more stories about him losing the dressing room to come out over the next few weeks. We just didn't expect them quite so soon.

Previous Stories:

  14 October 2004:  ME 4 WBA ?

  02 October 2004:  Married to the game ?

  27 September 2004:  Former Baggies play for charity

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