Married to the game ?

02 October 2004

WBA 3 - Relationship 0 ?

Or is that just on match days...?
Does football take over your life, and relationship?
Is your partner on your back about it?
Does (s)he moan about being a football widow(er)?
Doesn't understand why you can't miss a game?

Perhaps you wish (s)he'd join you on the terraces, understand your passion, or at least get the off-side rule?

Or do you want them to get off your case and find something of their own to do?!

BBC2 would like to hear from dedicated die-hard WBA fans for whom footy is a real issue in their relationship

Contact Emily on 0208 225 7096 or email to find out more!

Previous Stories:

  27 September 2004:  Former Baggies play for charity

  21 September 2004:  Earnie has a web site

  19 September 2004:  Memories of 1968

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