Football Aid - The ultimate Xmas Gift?

10 December 2004

Play where your heroes play!

Do you dream of being a defensive dynamo, a midfield maestro or silky striker at Hampden, Goodison Park or White Hart Lane? Whatever your position, whatever the Club, whatever your dream, we have a shirt with your name on it for you...

Give the Dream. Secure the ultimate Christmas gift
in one of the following ways:

? ?
BUY NOW, PLAY LATER. Give the ultimate gift - limited places available at UK clubs in time for Christmas.
BID TO PLAY in our January sales, join our online auction and fight for a place at
Whatever's on the Christmas wish list, we've got what you really want to give this year.

Call us at:
0131 220 5999
or visit us at:

Previous Stories:

  01 December 2004:  Big Ron at Kiddy SC

  09 November 2004:  Captain Marvel is back !

  08 November 2004:  Robson for Albion ?

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