Captain Marvel is back !

09 November 2004

Pearson and Robson on Sky

A Press conference has just taken place at which Bryan Robson was officially announced as the new Albion manager. His former Captain at Middlesbrough, Nigel Pearson, accompanied him and will join him at the club as his assistant. Before the conference, Robson was being paraded in front of the press inside the ground for photographs.

Chairman Jeremy Peace said that Robson was the "unanimous choice" after an extensive search of candidates, both at home and abroad, with both Premiership and League experience as well as experience of foreign football. He also paid tribute to Frank Burrows for his efforts as caretaker following the departure of Gary Megson. Bryan will sit down and talk to Frank over the next few days to assess what Frank wished to do now - and he would do the same wit the rest of the coaching team.

Asked how it feels to come back to Albion after 23 years as manager, Robson said how much he was looking forward to the challenge, how much the club was moving forward and how much he wanted to achieve the same sort of success here as he achieved as a player. Asked if he felt he had anything to prove, he felt his record at Middlesbrough spoke for itself after five years in the Premiership. The squad here were capable of staying in the Premiership, there was a lot of depth and quality here, but it would take a lot of hard work - though it was important for everyone to enjoy the challenge. Asked if the fans could see some exciting attacking football, he said that the priority was staying in the Premiership but if that could be done with exciting football, it would be all the better. Asked why he'd come back into management, Robson said "it's in the blood". On his assistant, Nigel Pearson, he said that he felt that at this moment in time the club needed someone on the coaching side with enthusiasm and good, fresh ideas rather than an experienced second in command.

Peace added that he was impressed by Robson's desire and motivation, and that he had a strong affinity with the club. He also admitted that it would have been nice to end things with Megson on a better note, and said that Robson's name had been on the list of candidates from day one. He thanked the fans for their support to the team during the last two games and was sure they would continue to give the club their full backing for Robson's first game against Middlesbrough on Sunday.

Previous Stories:

  08 November 2004:  Robson for Albion ?

  06 November 2004:  BIG Hoddle Hitch

  04 November 2004:  Manager? No, just dithering

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