What's in a number ?

07 August 2004

Well, that depends who you talk to. To some they're just numbers to identify something or someone, to others they hold deep symbolic significance - and members of the Albion squad probably took different views on the matter as the new squad numbers were announced.

Straight into the "top eleven" come new boys Scimeca (2), Purse (6), Greening (8) and Gera (11) while Kanu takes his preferred number 25. Climbing the charts in a big way from last year are Tommy Gaardsoe (4), Jason Koumas (7) and Geoff Horsfield, who takes the legendary number 9. Biggest winner is Paul Robinson, with a massive 30 place rise to number 3. New boy Albrechtsen takes the number 14 and nudges Sean Gregan down one place to 15, while Lloyd Dyer climbs to the lofty heights of 18.

Interestingly, the reserve keepers are bunched together at 28, 29 and 30. Ronnie Wallwork dives from 8 to 24, James O'Connor from 4 to 23 and Bernt Haas, substituted after only 9 minutes at Bristol City, is the biggest loser with his fall of 20 places to number 22.

As for forgotten man Lee Marshall, who spent the tail end of last season on loan at Hull until breaking his foot - he seems to have been... well, forgotten, having been omitted from the list altogether. The final insult?

Previous Stories:

  05 August 2004:  Hughesie in Court

  03 August 2004:  Striker bid rejected ?

  31 July 2004:  And Gera makes three

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